Gretchen Higgins Elementary School

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

What is a Local Control Accountability Plan?

As required by Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Education Codes 42103, 42127, and 52062, all school districts must develop a three year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP must be updated every year, be aligned to eight areas identified as state priorities, and describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and achievement targets. In addition, the LCAP describes how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals, and how the district will assess each year how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes. Dixon Unified’s LCAP addresses college and career readiness, professional learning, engaging parents and community members, and the targeting of support for special populations. These students include foster youth, English learners, low income, and students with disabilities. Each year, we offer opportunities for our stakeholders to engage in a variety of meetings/settings to share input on what the district should prioritize as the most important action steps to meet the needs of all students.

This year’s LCAP revolves around our three goal areas:

  • Goal One – Engage all students in standards-aligned rigorous curriculum and learning that ensures preparation for college, career, and success in a global society.
  • Goal Two –  Engage all students in social-emotional and behavioral learning which ensures safe, healthy, and culturally responsive schools.
  • Goal Three – Engage families and the community to form active partnerships which ensure the academic and social growth of students.

We are required to meet performance targets in the following eight state priority areas:

  • Basic services, including facilities maintenance, teacher credentialing, and availability of textbooks.
  • Implementation of Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math, and implementation of other California standards.
  • Course access, including the broad course of study outlined in the Education Code and access to our most rigorous course options.
  • Student achievement, including meeting Academic Performance Index (API) and other state and federal targets plus college and career ready targets.
  • Parent involvement in LCAP development as well as other parent involvement.
  • Student engagement, measured by attendance, dropout and graduation rates.
  • School climate, as measured by suspension/expulsion rates and other measures of school safety and connectedness.
  • Other student outcomes not included above, as determined by the Board to reflect local priorities.