Citizens Bond Oversight Committee

The Mission of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is to Independently review the planning, execution and expenditure of the Measure Q bond proceeds to ensure payments are made only for the modernization and upgrade of DUSD schools; and report conclusions to the public as intended by the bond measure and provisions of the Ed Code.

CBOC Members 

Ourania Riddle – Member

Luke Foster – Member

Herb Cross – Member

Elizabeth Lacey – Member


Dixon Unified School District is currently seeking applicants to serve on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee serves an important purpose in helping to ensure that the General Obligation Bond revenue created by the passage of Measure Q in November 2016 is spent only on the projects listed in the measure. The Committee also reviews the annual financial and performance audits with respect to bond projects. Providing the public with information related to the expenditure of bond funds is another important function of the Committee.

CBOC Meeting Schedule for 2023-2024

All meetings start at 6:30 PM

  • Monday, August 14, 2023
  • Monday, November 13, 2023