Tremont Elementary School
Tremont’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
Silver PBIS School | Escuela Plata PBIS
PBIS Tremont Elementary School has been recognized as a Silver PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) School. The Statewide Recognition system acknowledges schools for implementing PBIS with fidelity to the national framework. What is PBIS? Positive behavioral...
Stay connected with Tremont’s TPA! | ¡Manténgase conectado con TPA de Tremont!
https://linktr.ee/tremonttpa It’s HERE!!  You can now access ALL THINGS TPA in one place!! There you will find: -Upcoming meeting information -Event information -Volunteer Opportunities -Teacher's Wish Lists -and much more. Be sure to bookmark or subscribe to stay in...
Cross-Country | Carreras Cross-Country
Cross Country We are excited to kick off our student cross country season. All four primary schools will participate. Each school will have the opportunity to a competition (race). Students from TK through fifth grade can participate. Permission slips will be...
Silver PBIS School | Escuela Plata PBIS
PBIS Tremont Elementary School has been recognized as a Silver PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) School. The Statewide Recognition system acknowledges schools for implementing PBIS with fidelity to the national framework. What is PBIS? Positive behavioral...
Stay connected with Tremont’s TPA! | ¡Manténgase conectado con TPA de Tremont!
https://linktr.ee/tremonttpa It’s HERE!!  You can now access ALL THINGS TPA in one place!! There you will find: -Upcoming meeting information -Event information -Volunteer Opportunities -Teacher's Wish Lists -and much more. Be sure to bookmark or subscribe to stay in...
Cross-Country | Carreras Cross-Country
Cross Country We are excited to kick off our student cross country season. All four primary schools will participate. Each school will have the opportunity to a competition (race). Students from TK through fifth grade can participate. Permission slips will be...
Big Smiles | Grandes Sonrisas
Big Smiles Our school has partnered with Smile Programs…the mobile dentists to offer in-school dental care. Even better, dental care is usually at no cost to you. All insurance is accepted including Medicaid and CHIP. For those without insurance, a low cost self-pay...

Treva Foster
(707) 693-6320 x3313
Xochi Quitugua – Office Coordinator
(707) 693-6320 x3301