Facilities and Maintenance

Mission Statement

The Maintenance Department is hardworking, caring, conscientious, loyal, exhibiting a responsive, friendly attitude. All work is completed with a focus on teamwork and safety for all students with respect for results.

The goal of the Facilities Department is to “Plan and Provide Classroom and Support Facilities that Support and Enhance the Learning Environment”. Careful planning and creative thinking is brought to the decision of how to best use the District’s building inventory for student success. In a time of demographic changes and growth, it is important to be prepared with a long range master plan to optimize resources and minimize the negative aspects of transition.

David Arreaga – Maintenance & Operations Manager
(707) 693-6300 x8055

Stephanie Arias – Assistant to the Director of Facilities and Operations
(707) 693-6300 x8050

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Dixon USD Facilities Projects

Agriculture Facility

John Knight Middle School Renovation Project

Dixon Middle School Renovation Project - ACTIVE
Dixon Middle School Renovation Project - COMPLETE

CA Jacobs Modernization (New MPHS) Project

CA Jacobs Modernization (New MPHS) Project - ACTIVE


Anderson Modernization Project - COMPLETE

Bond Information – Measure Q

Wondering how your Measure Q tax dollars are being spent on old Dixon High School Campus as it is being modernized? This clip shows some of the work that is being done as new water lines are being installed to serve both drinking and fire water systems. These upgrades and many others will be completed in time for our middle school students and staff to open school on this campus in August 2020!  

¿Se ha preguntado cómo los impuestos de la Medida Q están siendo gastados en el antiguo campus de la preparatoria Dixon High School durante la modernización? Este clip muestra parte del trabajo que se está realizando a medida que se instalan nuevas líneas de agua para servir a los sistemas de agua potable y contra incendios. ¡Estas actualizaciones y muchas otras se completarán a tiempo para que los estudiantes y el personal de la escuela intermedia abran la escuela en este campus en agosto del 2020!  

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is Measure Q?
    Measure Q is a General Obligation Bond to generate funding for the Dixon Unified School District for use on projects to improve its facilities.

  2. What is a General Obligation Bond?
    A General Obligation Bond is a kind of tax paid by property owners. In short, the District sells bonds to investors to get the money to pay for the projects. Property owners pay the costs of the bonds and interest to those who purchased the bonds through the annual property tax process.
  3. How long does it take to pay the bonds off?
    The bonds are paid off in 25 years.
  4. Do a lot of school districts sell bonds to do facility projects?
    Yes. Nearly every district in the state, if not all of them, has sold bonds to build or repair campuses.
  5. Has Dixon Unified done this before?
    Yes. Measure J generated $29.2 million in 2002 to help pay for the construction of new Dixon High.
  6. What does the District want to do with the money from Measure Q?
    Three projects are planned. First, Old Dixon High School will be repaired, renovated, and reopened as a middle school campus for Grades 6-8. Second, Anderson Elementary will be repaired and renovated, improving classrooms, restrooms, food service areas, and electrical, plumbing and heating and cooling systems across campus. Third, Tremont, Gretchen Higgins and Silveyville campuses will receive improvements in safety and security as well as accessibility for the disabled.
  7. How were these identified and selected?
    The District completed a detailed Facilities Needs Assessment during the 2015-16 school year and prioritized these projects from among the many that were identified.
  8. Was the public consulted on developing these projects?
    Yes. The District advertised and held two special meetings on Saturdays to allow for public input as well as numerous presentations and discussions at our regular Governing Board meetings. District staff and Board members also had extensive consultation with the Solano County Taxpayers Association.
  9. How much money is the District trying to get to do these projects?
    The total amount of the bond is $30,400,000. About $15,000,000 would be used at Old Dixon High, $12,000,000 at Anderson, and the rest for the smaller projects at Tremont, Gretchen Higgins, and Silveyville campuses.
  10. How is it decided how much this will cost me personally?
    The cost for each property owner depends on the assessed value of their property. The County Assessor determines that figure and our property taxes are based on it. Measure Q has a projected maximum tax rate of $36.75 per $100,000 of assessed value.
  11. So, what will it cost for a typical property in Dixon?
    The median-valued home in Dixon was $251,779 in 2015-16. With the maximum tax rate of $36.75 per $100,000 of assessed value the annual cost would be $92.53.
  12. Where can I learn more about this or have more questions answered?
    Contact Dixon Unified at 693-6300, check our website at dixonusd.org, the Dixon Unified Facebook page, or email MeasureQ@dixonusd.org.