Principal’s RAMpage v4.1 “BACK TO SCHOOL”
Welcome back returning DHS families and welcome to our home new families of the DHS Class of 2027! We are very excited to begin the year, and I want to keep you all in the loop as we work together to support our students.
About the RAMpage
Every week, typically on Tuesdays, I will send an updated RAMpage for students, families, and community. Please read these as they are designed to inform, make you aware of current issues, help you calendar and plan for events and to share opportunities to collaborate with our team.
Our Mission and How We Get There
Dixon High School ensures that all students learn at high levels and will graduate ready for college and career. We are an AVID-Schoolwide School which means all students engage in quality, rigorous instruction, with organizational support and opportunities for intervention.
Everything we do is framed in common expectations for all of us (students, staff, families, community), in everything we do (academics, athletics, performances, etc). Here are our 3 common expectations with some brief descriptions:
- Engage – Commit to and focus on being an active participant in whatever you are doing
- Seek Support – Build a network of support and become your own advocate
- Be Present – focus your mental and emotional energy on the task at hand and let “the other stuff” go
I am committed to open, frequent communication with students and families, and I need you to do the same. High School life goes very, very fast, and our kids need all of us supporting them and cheering them on. With this in mind, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Students’ lives are really complicated, especially our seniors. There will be student information in every RAMpage but it won’t include everything for the entire year. Rather, it will include what they need to know and or do most immediately. You can imagine that trying to deal with senior year, college apps, career decisions, FAFSA, saying goodbye, playing your last high school athletic season, preparing to live away from home, etc can be overwhelming. Please work with me in helping our students be present in the moment.
- In addition to messaging, we use Facebook to communicate through three approved pages: the page titled “Dixon High School,”the page titled “Dixon High School PTO,” and a page titled “Dixon High School Athletics.”
- We always, always, welcome your questions! Please call or email any time so we can answer your questions or help, especially if you are new to our school. I am available via email at or by phone 707-693-6330, ext 7113, and I am happy to help or get you to the write person.
Senior Picture, 7/31-8/2
Appointment information was emailed to families by Prestige Portraits. If you have not set your appointment time or have questions, please contact Prestige at or by calling 877-825-7922. These senior portraits will be in the yearbook.
School Pictures for All Students
All students will take their school pictures (and for their ID’s) on orientation day, August 8. Here is a link with information from Lifetouch Lifetouch School Pictures
Parent Orientation
We will be hosting parent orientation on Thursday, August 3, at 7:00 in the theater. Please come join us! This is a great opportunity to learn how to help your student enjoy a seamless start to the year and to get all of your questions answered.
Student Orientation
Student orientation for all grades will be on Tuesday, August 8. Our new students will spend some time with our awesome Leadership students and all students will be able to pick up their schedules and get their pictures taken. Please make sure your student knows when to come to school that day:
9th graders 8:00 -10:30
10th graders 10:45 -12:00
11th graders 1:00 – 2:00
12th graders 2:00 – 3:00
School Supplies
All DHS students will be provided Chromebooks, binders and planners to be used in all classrooms, all day at school. You do not need to purchase these things. Students will only need loose-leaf binder paper, graph paper, pens and pencils, maybe a highlighter or two, and possibly some colored pencils. Of course, we can provide these things as well as needed. In addition, math students may need calculators but we have calculators students can check out. Just so you are aware, I highly recommend you do not purchase any supplies (other than paper and some pens/pencils) until you’ve heard from your student’s teachers.
Attendance, Bell Schedule, and Drop Off/Pick Up
Attendance in high school is critical to student success. When students miss class, it not only affects their academic progress but it also affects students socio-emotional and mental health. High school moves fast and it is really hard for students when they miss. Please make sure your student attends every class, every day, on time and when your student has to miss class, please communicate with our Attendance Office. I will send more information about how to do this in the next few weeks.
Just a little head up from someone who has worked at 555 College Way for many, many years: This year, most of our community will be starting school at the same time (8:30 am). This means traffic will be awful! We have supervision on campus and places for kids to go as early as 7:30 am so please get here early, rather than late. If you have students at other sites, it might be easier to drop off your high school student first. Also, teenagers are kind of funny about time. Please take a moment to remind them that the tardy bell rings at 8:30am. This means they need to get to school BEFORE THEN!! 🙂
2023-2024 Attendance Calendar
2023-2024 Student and Parent Handbook
2023-2024 Manuel Para Estudiantes y Padres
2023-2024 DHS Bell Schedule
Picture Day Information
Questions or concerns:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or concerns. I proudly serve this community and can be reached by email or phone any time.
Stephanie Marquez
Proud Principal of Dixon High School
(707) 693-6330 ext.7113