Principal’s RAMpage v.3.18

Dec 13, 2022

Dear Dixon High School Families,

On behalf of the entire Dixon High School staff and community, I want to wish you all a happy, warm, healthy holiday season!  Thank you for trusting us with your kids!  Here are a few things to keep in mind as we go through final exams and prepare for next semester.  

Final Exams are Coming Up…and So Are Final Grades
Final exams are an important part of high school academics.  Students are required to sit for exams and we do not offer early finals.  If your student is going to be absent for finals, please reach out to your student’s Assistant Principal about make up options.  
Bob Bugalski Students last name A-La:
Brian Welborn Students last name Le-Z:
Here is the schedule for finals:  Fall Finals Schedule.  A few things to remember:

  • During finals, all students start at the same time.  This means traffic is crazy!  Allow extra time to get to school and arrive early!  Your student needs to be calm and settled before taking on their exams.  Remember, we are here as early as 7:15 am so students are welcome to come in, have something to eat, and either study or hang out with friends in the cafeteria or learning center (library).
  • We will not be interrupting final exams to pull students out of class.  If your student has an appointment, please schedule that after school.
  • Finals can be stressful and they are definitely hard work.  Our teachers are super accommodating but you can do your part as well.  Encourage your student to do their best but not to stress about exams.  Make sure they sleep well, eat well, drink plenty of water, and arrive on time so they stay relaxed and comfy.

If Your Student Needs Support Over Break
If your student needs help over break, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly!  My email is and I will be available.

Yearbook Information

  • Yearbooks can be purchased online throughout the school year.  Purchase the 2023 Dixon High Yearbook online throughout the school year!  Order one by credit card or eCheck at  (Order# 7317) or by mail-in-check by calling 1-866-287-3096. 
  • Senior parents!  Purchase a Senior Parent Message Ad to honor your graduating senior at  (Order# 7317).  The deadline for purchasing a senior ad is December 31st. (Optional)

COVID Tests 
This Friday, December 16, we will be providing free COVID Antigen Rapid Tests for all students to take home over Winter Break as California Department of Public Health encourages all students & staff to test for COVID-19 before they return to school.  Dixon High School recommends testing your student Sunday, January 8, 2023 prior to returning to campus the next morning.  Students and staff that test positive should stay home and contact our office at 707-693-6330, ext. 7102 for support and guidance with attendance and classwork.  We are here to help!
Please note: While home testing is not required, it is a critical safety measure to reduce the possibility of an early 2023 surge.

For Seniors Only

  • As we’ve mentioned before, in accordance with California Legislative Policy, all seniors must complete a FAFSA to earn a diploma this year.  The FAFSA is an important document for ALL students as they move forward with college and career, including trade programs. And, good luck with those college apps!  We are so proud of you, Class of 2023!!!!!
  • Senior parents!  It is time to purchase senior ads for the yearbook if you choose to do so!  The deadline for ordering is December 31, 2022 and you can do so by visiting  (Order# 7317).  The ads are not required and cost $100.

College Advising on Wednesdays for All Students
Our counseling office is hosting College Wednesdays at lunch in the College and Career Center.  All students are welcome to stop in and get their college and career questions answered.  This is a great opportunity for our seniors to get help with finalizing applications, completing the FAFSA, making career decisions, etc.  It is also a fantastic opportunity for our younger students who are exploring post-secondary opportunities.  

Upcoming Calendar Events – Get out those calendars!  🙂
December 12-16:  Finals Schedule
December 19 – January 6: Winter Break, Office Closed
January 16: No School
January 19: ASVAB Testing
January 20 & 21: Drama Club Performance of Clue

Site Information
Here are links to important documents you need:

As always, please let us know how we can help.  

Stephanie Marquez
Proud Principal of Dixon High School, (707) 693-6330 ext.7113