Principal’s RAMpage v3.7

Sep 20, 2022

Dear Dixon High School Families,
Happy Homecoming Week!  We look forward to having all of our alumni join us in celebrating our school community!
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind…

Our Six Week Grading Period Ended on Friday, September 16
Our 6 week progress report period ended on Friday.  Now, teachers will submit grades and our team will prepare report cards and get them in the mail.  You can expect to receive report cards in the mail as early as this coming weekend.  It is important to remember that we are 1/3rd of the way through our fall semester so, if your student is doing great, please encourage them to keep those grades up.  If your student is not progressing as well as they should, please reach out to our teachers to find out what your student needs to do differently.  Remember, semester grades go on your student’s transcript and they only receive credit for passing grades.

Resources for Students and Families
Our teachers are working very hard to meet your students’ needs in class and out.  But, there are many ways to help your student if they are struggling.

  1.  We expect every student to use a common binder system AND complete their planner every hour, every day, at Dixon High School.  Please take a look at both of these resources every evening to make sure your student is taking advantage of these tools that are used to help students stay focused and organized.
  2. When you look at the planner, take a look to see how often your student is out of class.  If they aren’t in class, they can’t learn.  Teachers will be initialing the planner when students leave class each period. 
  3. Encourage your student to go to the Learning Center in the library.  They have tutoring and support every morning and afternoon.
  4. Reach out to staff if you need any suggestions or help.  We REALLY want every student to be successful.

Seniors Only
If you are the parent of a senior, you know that college application season can be really stressful.  Please remind your student that their life journey is just beginning and that they will be okay!  Also, encourage them to apply to many different schools before making a decision.  Some things to consider…

  • Do they want a big school or a small school?
  • Do they want to live on campus or at home?
  • Do they want a competitive school or something less competitive?
  • What do they want to study (we ALWAYS recommend they study what they want to learn)?
  • Do they want to drive back and forth or fly back and forth?

There are so many fun things to talk about!!
This year, every senior family is expected to complete the FAFSA, a financial document for all post-secondary institutions.  If you would like some help our counseling office is hosting a Workshop on November 17, 2022 beginning at 5:30pm.  We can help you with this!!

2022 Homecoming
Join us for our Homecoming Football Game and festivities this Friday evening in the stadium.  
We also have a Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 24 for DHS students from 8:00-11:00.  Woo hoo!  

School Pictures
All students can order school pictures by contacting Lifetouch at  Images can be previewed there and you can order with your student ID#.  Make-up picture day is October 11th.
For senior portraits, students can go to and enter their appointment code (sent to homes on a postcard or via email from Prestige Portraits ).  If students don’t know their appointment code, they can search by school on the same site. Prestige portraits are on campus this week from 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the Theater.  All seniors need to take a photo for the yearbook.

We Have Answers
Do you have questions about school policies and procedures such as dress code, attendance, etc?  Please take time to read through the DHS Student & Parent Handbook!  Many answers can be found here

We Need Your Help!
As noted in the superintendent’s weekly update, DUSD is obligated to have all families complete the Income Verification Survey.  I think it is very important to remember that this is necessary to keep all of the programs and services we have built for your students.  If you’ve already done this…THANK YOU!  If you haven’t yet, please complete the survey at your earliest convenience.  Our Parent Liaison, Mrs. Gonzalez is also making phone calls and sending email reminders to families.
English Alternative Income Survey
Spanish Alternative Income Survey

Student Tardiness
This is an issue that we ALL need to address.  As students get more comfortable with school, they are also starting to arrive late in the morning and during the school day.  Please make sure they understand the importance of being on time (which really means “kind of early”).

Upcoming Calendar Events – Get out those calendars!  🙂
September 19 – September 23 Senior Picture Appointments
September 23 – Homecoming Football v. Fairfield
September 24 – Homecoming Dance (8:00-11:00)
October 4 – CSU Parent and Student Presentation (5:30-6:30)
October 5 – UC Parent and Student Presentation (5:30-6:30)
October 10 – No School – Local Holiday
October 11 – Make up Pictures 
October 12 – PSAT Test Day (7:15am start time)
October 28 – No School – Teacher Workday
November 2 – UC Application Workshop (5:30-6:30)
November 3 – CSU Application Workshop (5:30-6:30)
November 17 – FAFSA Workshop

Site Information
Here are links to important documents you need:

As always, please let us know how we can help.  
Stephanie Marquez
Proud Principal of Dixon High School, (707) 693-6330 ext.7113